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Jeffrey Epstein associates in for New Year shock as judge orders release of sealed documents in first days of 2024 naming 177 people involved in pedophile’s sordid case.Wife whose husband regularly raped her with household items while she was passed out condemns his 'sick fantasies' in heartbreaking victim statement as he is convicted in Dublin.Antiques dealer who bought African mask for £130 then sold it for £3.6million WINS legal battle with previous owners after judge rules the elderly French couple failed to appreciate its true worth.Thousands of Scots face income tax hike as SNP introduce new 45p 'advanced rate' and put a penny on the top band as Humza Yousaf's government scrambles to fill £1.5billion hole in spending plans.Brits will have to give fingerprints to holiday in Europe: Holidaymakers face travel chaos next autumn with introduction of post-Brexit checks and facial scans on entry into EU.Jobseeker who missed out on an £80,000 role at a financial services company that went to a woman loses race and sex discrimination claim after boss told him at interview that they wanted to hire 'fewer white men'.

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