I also tried modelling each individual part of the car, and modelling the whole of the car then working in the details and separating the parts. I’ve also tried following the lines of a reference blueprint image by extruding vertices, then filling in the faces. Whether there is or isn’t, what’s the best technique for modelling a car? I’ve tried creating a plane to model a hood, and adding loop cuts with a subdivision surface modifier to “sculpt” the curves (not actually sculpting, all hard surface). Is there a way to do the same thing as what he does, but in blender? I’m looking for a way to accomplish the same workflow in blender, but am having a hard time figuring it out. I came across this video today ( ) and while he’s using Rhino 3D, not blender, the technique used to create the model of the car seems very natural and efficient. I’ve tried several different methods of modelling a car, but they all seemed very inefficient and tedious.
It’s been quite some time since I’ve done anything in Blender, but what’s bringing me back is my desire to do more car stuff (I have a bit of an obsession).